We believe this is where God is leading us. We are inviting everyone who calls Soul Survivor Watford 'family' to ask God - 'What would you have me give?' It is an opportunity for each of us to pray, to think, to chat to family or friends, and to settle on an amount that God is asking of us personally.

How Do I Make A Commitment?

We are inviting people to give in two ways: 

the invitation part 1.png
the invitation part 2.png
the invitation part 3 large.png

We will be having a Gift Day on the 17th June where we will each bring our offerings for this project. There's a great joy in all giving together! If you are unable to be there on 17th June then please do bring in or post your commitment form in advance.

Upfront Gifts.

To give this way please fill out the commitment form and enclose it with your cheque or cash. Either post it in good time ahead of the Gift Day to the church office or bring it to church on our Gift Day. Please make cheques payable to 'Soul Survivor Watford'. Alternatively you can pay by direct bank transfer using our details on the commitment form.

Ongoing Pledges.

To give in this way, decide on the monthly amount you wish to give towards the building project, and the length of your pledge. We are inviting people to pledge over a four-year period (you may wish to make this for more or less than four years). This is the amount you want to give in addition to your regular giving to Soul Survivor Watford. Fill out the commitment form and either bring it along on the Gift Day or post it to the church.

Gift Aid

If you're a UK taxpayer we may be able to claim Gift Aid on your gift. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p from HMRC on top of every £1 donated to Soul Survivor Watford and will significantly increase the income for this building fund. Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration on the Commitment Form.


Should you need to contact someone for further details on how to give please call the church office on 01923 204200, or email giving@soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk
