At Soul Survivor Watford we are passionate about kids meeting with Jesus and having fun! 

Soul Kids provides a teaching programme on a Sunday morning for children from 0 -11 years old. Our aim is that Soul Kids reflects the vision and values of Soul Survivor Watford and we structure our sessions to mirror Soul Survivor Watford Church but in an age appropriate way.  

We value worship, the Bible and ministry for children just like we do for adults. In Soul Kids we spend time in worship, including our ‘soaking song’ where we aim to listen to God as he speaks to us. Here’s a playlist of our current worship songs. We practise praying for each other and listening to God for each other too (prophecy). We also learn stories and verses from the Bible and seek to make sense of how we apply these to our lives.  

All our sessions are high energy and fun but the focus of the morning is to learn more about God and to set aside time to focus on what he might be saying to us.  

You can find details of our age groups and activities at our Sunday services below, as well as info on our Friday Night Thing events, and info on the team who head up our family and children’s work. If you have any questions, do get in touch or chat to a member of the team on a Sunday.  


Sunday Services

We have 3 kids groups at the 9.15am service:  

  • Little Ones (those aged 3 and under)

  • Younger Kids (nursery up to school year 2)

  • Older Kids (school years 3 to 6)


We have 2 kids groups at the 11.30am service: 

  • Younger Kids (nursery up to school year 2)

  •  Older Kids (school years 3-6) 



All Soul Kids group are registered and meet in Warehouse 7 except for Little Ones which is in Warehouse 5.


For the 9.15am service, registration opens at 9.05 and closes at 9.35.

For the 11.30am service, registration starts at 11.20 and closes at 11.50.

Please note that children cannot be permitted after these times.

Registration takes place via ChurchSuite on the computers in the lobby, so you need to have your child signed up onto your ChurchSuite account. Upon registration, you will be able to print off two stickers unique to your child for that particular session. The second sticker must be returned at the door during collection time so that we can release the correct child to the correct adult. Any adult without their individual sticker will not be able to collect their child.   

Please keep an eye on your mobile in case team need to contact you and please collect your child promptly at the end of the service - no later than 10.50am if you attend the 9.15 service and not later than 1.05pm for the 11.30am service.

In all groups except Little Ones, our sessions start with breakfast and free play until everyone has arrived. Come early to grab a crumpet and chat to your friends!  


Each term Soul Kids has a theme but the different ages have slightly different sessions around this theme. Themes have or will include: “Who on Earth Put That There?” (Creation), “Children Jesus Met”, “Heroes of the Bible”, and “Unlikely Heroes”. We often follow the teaching themes that the adults are following in church such as looking at the special seasonal themes such as Easter and Christmas. 


Soul Kids Values

Our over-arching value for Soul Kids is that we love God and from this we encourage the children to kind to themselves, each other, and to the adults.

For Younger Kids will receive stickers every time we see them living out these values, and Older Kids will receive an encouragement card. These cards have room for eight stickers and when the card is full, a group leader will write a message of encouragement for that child and they will also be able to choose a small prize. This will be done in such a way that the emphasis is on living out the values, not competing with or being compared to other children, and we’ll review it as we go, so do let us know if you have any feedback.

Soul Kids Groups


Little Ones (0-3 years*) 

Little Ones is play-based venue which includes an age appropriate Bible story, craft, worship time and prayer. Activities in Little Ones will be playing, singing, stories and a small, age appropriate craft. Our team are encouraged to ‘play and pray’ as they hang out with your children. 

Little Ones meet in ‘The Den’ in Warehouse 5. This is in the café area behind the main auditorium. Please inform the leader of any particular needs or requirements your child has. 

We recommend children stay in Little Ones until the term after their third birthday, when their 15 hours Nursery funding is available. Children moving group before this time often find the session structure of the next group up difficult as they are not used to the structures and expectations found there.  They also need to be fully potty trained before attending Younger Kids groups.  

Younger Kids (nursery - School Year 2) 

Younger Kids starts with a time of worship then they have a story time and a fun game. The story and song time are engaging and fun with lots of actions and chances to get moving and be active.  The groups then split into much smaller groups (based on age) and children have a discussion and prayer time led by an adult. This is followed by a fun craft or game related to the theme of the morning. 

Younger Kids meet in area to the right of Warehouse 7. Children can be picked up from the dividing door in this area. 


Older Kids (School years 3 -6) 

Older Kids start with a time of worship which reflect the songs and worship time in adult church. They then stay together for the introduction of the story or theme and a messy game.  After that, they split down into smaller groups ready for discussion and prayer time, followed by activities or games.  

Older Kids meet in the area to the left of the main doors to Warehouse 7. Children can be picked up from the dividing door that leads to this area.  


Our Family Room 

The Family Room is available during our services in Warehouse 5 for any who want a quiet space to take their child. There are toys for the little ones and a sofa for you where you can continue to watch the service. 


Nursing Room  

We have a Nursing Room at the back of the church where you can hear and see the service but where no one can see you feeding. If you need some help finding it, please speak to one of the team. 


Friday Night Thing 

Once a month we run Friday Night Thing for any children in school years 3- 6 to come and hang out, play some games and get involved in different crafts and activities! There’s no need to book, just drop your child/children off to Warehouse 7 at 6pm and collect them by 7pm. They’re very welcome to bring friends to come and join the fun too! 

There will be a tuck shop so please make sure your kids have some money if they’d like to buy any sweets. We will provide some small snacks free of charge. 

Upcoming dates:  

(There is no FNT in April due to the Easter holidays)

Friday 16th May

Friday 20th June

Friday 18th July


Meet the Team

Rosie Del Grosso - Children’s and Families Pastor
Contact Rosie

Cecilia Wurfel - Assistant Children’s and Families Pastor

*Cecilia works Part-Time

Dan Stickland - Assistant Children’s and Families Pastor

*Dan works Part-Time


Serve on Kids Team

If you’d like to be on our team and help out with kids work on one Sunday a month, do get in touch!

Would it be possible to tweak the form at the bottom of the page at this link to have a free text spot for people to type in the team they would like to serve in? That way they can write in Soul Kids. 




Call the church office on 01923 204200