We have loads of young adults in our church family (by which we mean those who range from 18 to early thirties) so we run a number of events throughout the year giving us opportunity to gather together, get to know one another, to hear teaching relevant for our life-stage and to deepen our faith in Jesus.
Take a look at what’s on below and if you’d like any more info or if you’re new to our church family, just email Andy Symonds here. He’d love to say hello and help you get settled into church life.
Wednesday 19th March, 7.30pm
We’ll be continuing our teaching series looking at the Sermon on the Mount, which is packed full of wisdom for us to live by, hearing from Hannah de Garis about what it means to be salt and light. There will be time to grab a drink and say hello to others before we start, plus we’ll have worship and space to pray for one another. If you’re aged 18-30, come along and join us from 7.30pm!
Get in touch
If you’re looking for ways to connect in with other young adults in our church family do get in touch with Andy - he’d love to hear from you!

YA Tehila Night 2024

YA Weekend September 2023

YA Night March 2024

YA Weekend - November 2022

YA Summer Hangout 2023

YA Social | September 2021

YA Weekend Away | December 2021

Meet the Young Adults Team
Andy Symonds - Assistant Pastor
Andy is one of our Assistant Pastors and he heads up our Young Adults ministry as well as looking after our Newbies and evening services. He’s married to Hannah and together they have a cat called Toto. Andy loves Formula 1 and Star Wars, and you can win his heart over with a good Flat White.
Rev James Barlow
James joined us from Stafford in 2011 when he was on our Soul61 leadership course. He’s been part of the team here and at Soul Survivor on and off ever since! He trained in theology and youth ministry and has just been ordained. As well as being part of the team here, he’s Curate in Charge at St Andrews Church in Watford. His busy life is fuelled by his love of coffee. James is married to Be and has recently fulfilled a lifelong ambition and learnt to skateboard!