Our Teams

Serving on team is an opportunity to use your gifts to make our church a place where people encounter God and find community. Our hope is that when you become part of one of our Soul Survivor Watford Teams you will feel connected to the life and vision of the church, as well as feel enriched and encouraged in your own faith. It is also a great way to get to know people! If you are interested in finding out more about serving the first step is to register your interest and a member of the team will be in touch with you to explain more about teams and the safer recruitment process for all those who volunteer at our church.


Unless the job description says otherwise, it’s likely that you’ll serve around 13 times over the course of a year. Check out all the job descriptions and click above to register your interest. We’ll be in touch within a few days!


The Kids Team

We have the privilege of having over 150 children aged 0-11 in our family! Our children’s team isn’t about just telling our little ones about God, but helping them form their own personal relationship with him. The team help create a safe and fun environment for all our children; and have a lot of fun themselves!  You will help serve them breakfast at our morning services, do craft with them, worship with them and have the privilege of helping them come to know and love Jesus. You will need to complete a DBS check and referencing before serving on this team and have been part of the SSW church family for at least six months. 

When: For those serving at the 9.15am you would need to arrive from 8.40am, as people will begin to turn up half an hour before the service begins, and serve until 11am. For those serving at the 11.30am, you would need to arrive from 11am and serve until 1.30pm.

Younger Youth Team

We are passionate about helping young people aged 11-14 grow into who God has called them to be, becoming world changers in our town and beyond. Our main gatherings for the younger youth are during both morning services, offering a safe and fun space where they can engage with Jesus through playing games, looking at the Bible, discussing topics in small groups, and praying together. Being part of the team means encouraging the young people in their faith and creating an environment where they can build relationships with God, each other, and the team. Our hope is for the team to reflect the diversity of our church, so if you want to help young people get to know Jesus, we’d love to chat.

When: Sundays, during both morning services.

Welcome Team

We want to welcome people who are arriving as if they have come home! As part of this team, your role is to try and make sure that every person who walks through our doors feels like this is a place where they belong. The welcome team is based on the doors as people come in and throughout the warehouse. This team is all about chatting to people as they come into the church, especially those who seem new or are on their own, showing people where to get a coffee, helping them find a seat, and perhaps introducing them to one or two other people. When the service begins you will also be responsible for helping people find available seats.

When: For the 9.15am - arrive by 8.45am. It’s also great if you can stick around at the end of the service and chat to some of the new people, and those on their own. For the 11.30am - arrive by 10.45am.

Hospitality Team

Food is right at the heart of all we do at Soul Survivor Watford and this team is about feeding people with a smile! You’ll serve people tea and coffee but, more importantly, you’ll play a key part in making sure people feel like they have just come home. You’ll keep an eye out for anyone who seems to be new or in particular need of a friendly face. On a Sunday the hospitality team helps set up, prepare breakfast and refreshments, host the congregation, and clear up afterwards. 

When: For the 9.15am - serve from 8.45am until the service starts and also help after the service until about 10.30. For the 11.30am - arrive by 10.30am and then help after the service until about 1.30pm.

Traffic Team

As part of this team yours will be the first face that people see when they arrive at church so you will play a vital role in creating a great first impression! As well as being warm and welcoming, you will help direct people to the available car parking spaces around Greycaine Road. We have heard stories of people who were blown away by the welcome they received on the street, before they even walked into the building!

When: For those serving at the 9.15am you would need to arrive from 8.15am, as people will begin to turn up half an hour before the service begins, and serve until 9.45am. For those serving at the 11.30am, you would need to arrive from 10.45am and serve until 12.15pm.

Bookshop Team

This is about making sure people have the best resources available to help them follow Jesus! As part of this team you will be helping people find resources they’re interested in, working on the tills and keeping the bookshop neat and tidy. 

When: For the 9.15am - serve 8.45am until half an hour after the end of the service. For the 11.30am - arrive by 11.15am and serve until half an hour after the end of the service.

11.30am Pack-Down Team

As part of this team you will help with the chair layout in preparation for the afternoon services, create a welcoming environment. 

When: After the 11.30am service (approx. 1pm) until 1.30pm

Visuals Team

The visuals team is a key part of the worship team, overseeing all the visuals on the screens which enable people to worship and engage with God. As this team requires specific skills, we’ll be in touch once you sign up to arrange a time to check you can use all of our equipment.  

When: Should you serve on this team you will need to arrive at 7.30am and serve until the end of the 11.30am service.


Media Team

We’d love to make more video and visual content for our website and online platforms so if you can operate a video camera, take photos, or have any editing experience we would love to hear from you! If you have the passion but don’t yet have the skills please do still get in touch as we may be able to train you. The timings for Sundays will depend on your exact role so please be in touch and we’ll tell you more. 


Welcome & Hospitality

We want new people to feel incredibly welcome so our welcome and hospitality team is key. We long for people to see that Soul Survivor Watford is a place where they can belong. As part of the 6.30pm Hospitality Team, your role is to create a welcoming environment for those who come into our family home. Being a part of this team includes welcoming people on the doors, helping people find a seat and talking to those who are new to the church. After the service every week we also have our Warehouse 7 café which is a great place for people to build friendships with those in our church over tea or coffee and a snack. This team also serves tea and coffee, prepares the snack for after the service and clears up after the café has finished. You would need to arrive by 6pm and will be finished serving by 9.30pm.

When: Arrive by 6pm and will be finished serving by 9.30pm.

Visuals Team

The visuals team is a key part of the worship team, overseeing all the visuals on the screens which enable people to worship and engage with God. As this team requires specific skills, we’ll be in touch once you sign up to arrange a time to check you can use all of our equipment.  

When: Should you serve on this team you will need to arrive at 4pm and serve until the end of the 6.30pm service.

Media Team

We’d love to make more video and visual content for our website and online platforms so if you can operate a video camera, take photos, or have any editing experience we would love to hear from you! If you have the passion but don’t yet have the skills please do still get in touch as we may be able to train you. The timings for Sundays will depend on your exact role so please be in touch and we’ll tell you more. 

Bookshop Team

This is about making sure people have the best resources available to help them follow Jesus! As part of this team you will be helping people find resources they’re interested in, working on the tills and keeping the bookshop neat and tidy. 

When: For the 6.30pm - serve 6pm until half an hour after the end of the service.

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