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Soul Survivor Watford began when 11 people responded to God's call to reach out to young people. They planted a church and started a youth club. It was to be a family that prioritised intimacy in worship, committed community and relevant evangelism. It also became the place where many of these young people encountered Jesus for themselves. Twenty-six years later our heart to share God's love and follow his lead remains the same - the family has grown!

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It has been said that 'God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called.' That has certainly been our experience! Our story is one of God's kind, faithful and miraculous provision. When we needed a building, God provided Warehouse 7. The circumstances surrounding the purchase of the warehouse were extraordinary. There were just forty (mainly young people) in the church, but people gave generously and the seemingly unattainable happened.

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Shortly after purchasing the building a group gathered to pray and worship. As the friends praised God one of them shared a prophetic word, 'God says that people will come from all over the world to this place, and from this place people will be sent all over the world.' To the group standing in the ex-W.H. Smith's building that had oil stains and mould in the ceiling, this seemed outlandish. In the years since, however, we have sent people to virtually every continent and remarkably people have travelled from across the globe to Soul Survivor Watford. Watching God's grace at work has been quite an adventure!

When Warehouse 7 became too small, Warehouse 5 miraculously went up for sale. God provided, the church rejoiced and we were able to grow the family. Since then God has continued to lead and guide us. Ministries to our community have been established, from Soul Tots, to a Connect Cafe, to Alpha, to Make Lunch, to Invite One. We have sought to equip one another that we might better glorify God in our workplaces, neighbourhoods and families. Though we have made many mistakes our goal has remained to follow the Spirit's lead in all that we do.

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In recent years our family has expanded considerably. This has largely happened as people have met Jesus for the first time, as others have rediscovered a faith that had faded away, and as believers have moved into the area. Many have joined us since that first 11 started the church - over a thousand of us now call Soul Survivor Watford 'home'. Including you!

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When we began we were a small community attempting the impossible because God had spoken. Now the church has grown we are a larger community attempting the impossible when God speaks! We want to continue to grow in our love for God to love and support one another as family, and to share God's love with others. To continue to fulfil our vision of Growing God's Family we need to take a bold step towards the family home!