4th May

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Lord Jesus,

In the midst of these challenging circumstances,

I ask that you would tune my eyes and ears to the wonder of who you are

so I may rejoice in your incredible love,

in your constant presence and provision.

Thank you that it is your heart to draw near to those who know you

in a deeper way than ever before

and to woo those who are indifferent or cynical.

Thank you that you are patient, not willing to lose anyone

but giving us time and space to change.

In your kindness,as the sun rises each morning,

would you shine your light into the hearts of ‘not-yet’ believers

and reveal who you are.

In your mighty name,


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3rd May

[ComRes survey, released today, said 25% of people have watched or listened to a church service during the crisis and 53% have prayed.]

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!

My soul yearns, even faints,

for the courts of the Lord;

my heart and my flesh cry out

for the living God. Psalm 84:1-2

Lord Jesus,

It’s Sunday!

Our day to gather together to worship and adore you:

to hear your word, pray with and for each other,

to meet our friends and make new ones.

Please give us serenity as we wait to be physically present again,

thanking you that ‘the church has left the building’

and we can worship in our homes via technology.

Just as in Acts, your scattered followers spread the gospel

everywhere they went;

may we, your Covid-scattered church, spread the gospel

on the phones and laptops of all who are looking for life -



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2nd May

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,

plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Lord Jesus,

Thank you that our times are in your hands, you are in charge

and nothing and no one can thwart your plans.

We lift to you all those who had plans for special family events, now missed or postponed:

a wedding, a birthday, a holiday or visit to see loved ones living abroad.

Lord take their pain and disappointment

and minister to their loss and uncertainty.

Be their hope for the future.

Thank you that you are FOR US,not against us

and your plans are for us to grow and flourish as we depend on you.

Teach us contentment, how to live in the NOW,

choosing to put our trust in you for our future.

In Jesus name


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1st May

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.

If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

I will come in and eat with them and they with me. Revelation 3:20

Dear Jesus,

Thank you that you will only come in at my invitation, never forcing your way in.

Today i pray for those who live alone,

where a knock on the door is only ever from a delivery driver.

Remind them today that you are close by,

You call them by name and want to come in.

I pray especially for those who don’t know you;

cause them to wonder about you,

to invite you in as their special friend.

closer than a brother, mother or lover.

An intimate friend.

Pour your blessing on those who are lonely

and hold in your arms those missing physical contact.

Let them hear your, ‘HERE I AM’.


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