26th March
Our Father,
Thank you that you’re the One in Charge and you lead us step by step on this uncharted journey. Help us to lean on you in the security that your ways are not our ways and however mature we are to,willingly become like children again, learning new things about you and ourselves every day and relying on you to protect and provide.
Please be especially close to those who are lonely, self-isolating and living alone – be their constant companion. For those isolating with their families but longing for time alone – islands of silence within each day.
Please use this time to grow the love your spirit planted inside us when we gave you our first ‘Yes’.
We pray for:
Boris Johnson, the cabinet and all our MPs as they make crucial decisions – we pray for wisdom, easy collaboration with other parties and time to relax.
Those returning to healthcare in response to the crisis – that their skills would not be forgotten and they would have courage to begin again, knowing they have your protection.
Thank you Lord,