Tuesday 9th June

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Put on the full armour of God, so you can take your stand

against the devil’s schemes.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,

but against the rulers, against the authorities,

against the powers of this dark world

and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:10-12


We thank you that when we are weak,you are strong

and all power and authority rest with you.

We ask, in these days of overwhelming difficulties and hardship,

that your strength will be made perfect in our weakness.

We thank you for the spiritual armour your provide

which gives us the bravery to take a stand against the devil’s schemes.

Open our eyes to his subtle agenda in our lives and help us

to stand firm against all forms of evil and injustice.

We thank you that our struggle is not against other people -

whether powerful leaders or our neighbour, but against evil itself.

Show each of us how to act justly, love mercy

and walk humbly with you, our God; to go against the flow of self interest,

and speak up for the abused, downtrodden and broken.

As we become more aware of your expansive love for us,

may we overflow your love to a needy world.

Lord, in your mercy,hear our prayer.
