Thursday 11th June
The Spirit of God has made me;
the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Job 33:4
But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty,
that gives them understanding.
Job 32:8
Breath of God,
Breathe on us; fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your wonderful gift of life - life in it’s fullness.
Dear Holy Spirit, in these days of confusion about restarting schools and businesses,
please give decision makers your creative wisdom,
of how to work safely within the current restrictions.
Breathe your life and hope into companies that are about to fail
resulting in the misery of many staff redundancies.
Lord, let the wind of your Spirit blow to remove those things
that have been a snare to the vulnerable and disadvantaged
and breathe life and encouragement into organisations
that seek to free those enslaved by injustice.
Breathe on our government and civil servants, guide them by your Spirit.
Breathe on those working on treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19.
And, as the restrictions are lifted, keep us mindful of one another,
not blinkered by our own needs but alert to you throughout our day,
following your prompting, interacting with you.
In Jesus name,