January 8th
“Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;
heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
My soul is in deep anguish.
How long, Lord, how long?”
Psalm 6:2-3
Lord Jesus,
As we enter into a third lockdown, we pray for our nation. We pray that in each corner of our nation kids who thought they were going to go back to school after Christmas and now are back home would continue to have the energy to learn at home. For parents who are now faced with juggling working from home, teaching their kids and keeping their household running again. May they know peace in this time where they feel faint and they are asking ‘how long?’, draw alongside them and remind them of what a great job they are doing in the midst of incredibly difficult circumstances.
We pray for anyone who is isolated and alone once again, who’s ‘soul is in deep anguish’, would they feel close to you, would they feel close to their friends and family and would you keep them safe. We place them into your hands. As issues with mental health continue to rise, we pray for protection over our minds, to not buy into lies that we may have started to believe over ourselves. We know you are bigger than any lie we may begin to believe!