10th April

It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun had stopped shining. And the curtain in the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this,he breathed his last. Luke23:44-46

Lord Jesus,

At the end of your suffering, with your last breaths as you hung on the cross, you committed your spirit back into the Father’s hands.

Today, we do the same.

Only in the Father’s hands, we are secure, loved and protected: there’s no other place we would rather be - especially during this crisis.

And so, our Father, receive us now,

As into your hands we commit ourselves, our souls and bodies,

In life and death, for time and all eternity.

We pray for:

The millions of people in our country who don’t know the meaning of Easter. May this strange time of suffering and fear bring them close to you.

We give you thanks for the good news about our Prime minister and pray you will strengthen him for the task ahead.

Those working in our hospital today - that they will be the comfort each patient needs.

Thank you Lord,


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Soul Survivor Watford
9th April

Going a little further he said to them,’My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me’. Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will’. Matthew 26:38-39

Lord Jesus,

In the garden of Gethsemane you faced the devil’s last and greatest temptation: to take the easy way out.

But that was not the Father’s will.

Help us to listen to your quiet, insistent voice during this Easter like no other. Lead us away from the self determination which claims - my home - my job - my money - my life.

Please give us the courage to leave what we know behind, take up our cross and follow you to the empty tomb and the glory of the resurrection.

We pray especially for:

Health care professionals who have left their specialities to work with COVID-19 patients - confidence and courage: protection for themselves and their families.

Our Prime minister, Boris Johnson, complete healing with no relapses and time to recover.

We love you Lord,


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Soul Survivor Watford
7th April


May we who are inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health and paying the rent.
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no place to go.
May we who have savings to cushion us remember those whose account is empty.
May those who settle into quarantine at home remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other find a way to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbour.
Through Jesus Christ our saviour, whose arms of love embrace us all,


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Soul Survivor Watford
6th April




Thank you that your love for us was so great that you willingly chose to follow the Father’s will.

Thank you for your costly, life-giving sacrifice: for taking our place on Death Row so we can live free.

Forgive us for moaning and living selfishly during this pandemic. Set your law of sacrifice in our hearts so we’re able to deny ourselves, not claim our rights and courageously walk in your steps, our crucified Redeemer.

Please help us to know that your perfect freedom is inside us and not dependent on our physical freedom to travel where we like or gather with who we like.

We especially pray for:

  • Those suffering mental health problems – a release from overwhelming anxiety and renewed hope.

  • Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Mental health Community Teams – the ability to diagnose and reassure clients without face to face contact.

  • Boris, our Prime minister – healing from COVID-19 and a time to rest and recover.

Thank you Lord,


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Soul Survivor Watford
5th April

Our Father,

Thank you that, even though Jesus could have arrived in triumph through the gates of Jerusalem, he chose to ride humbly, on a donkey, knowing the ordeal ahead of him.

So we pray, not for self-reliance and human strength, but for the strength that comes from you; that through your strength we can learn to obey when the going’s rough: that we wouldn’t be simply Palm Sunday Christians waving our arms with the crowd but followers of Jesus, imitating his submission to you in all the circumstances of our lives.

Above all, help us to recognise Jesus, not just in today’s praise and worship, but also in the midst of our difficulties, frustrations and sorrows. Please forgive our lack of trust during this strange time and keep reminding us that the resurrection happened in the middle of chaos and confusion.

We love you Lord,


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Soul Survivor Watford
3rd April


Gracious God,

Thank you for the gift that the NHS to our country at this challenging time.
Please give skill ,sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick at home and in hospital.
Give wisdom to the scientists searching for a cure and those working to produce testing kits for diagnosis and immunity.
Strengthen them with your Spirit when the task is herculean and the shift seems endless.

We pray for:

Hospital Chaplains and volunteer chaplains and visitors – wisdom and protection from the virus as they bring God’s peace and comfort.

Those in hospital for other illnesses – healing and freedom from fear.

Pregnant women and new parents – confidence as they give birth in hospital and peace as they bring their baby back home without the usual visitors.

Thank you Lord,

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Soul Survivor Watford
2nd April

Awesome Lord,

Thank you for this beautiful world where everything is bursting into life. Give us new eyes to see the tiniest details of perfection as we take our exercise each day. Help us to see the blessings of this lock down even if it may seem like a flickering candle flame in a dark room. You make all things new and turn darkness into light. Please be close to those who are depressed, lonely and grieving a normal life. You are our hope Lord, deliver us from despair and fill us with hope for a new future.

We pray for:

  • The police, PCSO’s and retired officers returning to duty – fresh energy, health and patience with the public.

  • Teachers and auxiliary staff in schools and nurseries looking after the children of keyworkers – safety, intuitive wisdom with each child and the ability to make the children feel secure in strange times.

Thank you Lord,

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Soul Survivor Watford