We’re passionate about seeing your kids continue to meet with God!
You’ll be able to watch our latest video from 7am on Sunday morning. We hope you love it!
Check back each week to get the latest resources.

Catch up on any videos you’ve missed:

All Stars, 0-3
Red & Green
Blue & Yellow
This week Lucy is sharing on forgiveness through the story of Jesus’ encounter with Zaccheus.
This week Be is sharing on standing up for justice and being brave like Jesus was.
Today we are learning how to play the song Reality, work your way through the videos so you learn how to play the song.
This week we are continuing our series on worship, with Steph sharing about why worship through song.
This week we are continuing our series on worship, with Be sharing about loving the world.
Memory Verse Challenge
Recommended Resources
Check back to see our recommended resources. We would also love to hear of any resources you have found helpful! Get in touch.