Soul Survivor Watford Hope Fund
Please note that as funds are limited we are only able to accept applications from members of our church family.
We place a high value on committed community and being family to one another. That means loving one another, walking through hard times together, and following the example of the early church in practically supporting one another as needed.
The Hope Fund is one of the ways we want to bless those in our community who are experiencing difficulties. God has shown us his incredible love and this is a way we can share and express that love with one another. Our heart is to not only provide financial aid but to wrap that gift in the love of on-going relationship and support.
Members of Soul Survivor Watford can apply for support from the fund for themselves or for someone else within the family/within our community that they are supporting in friendship. Please see the guidance document to understand the support we can provide and the information we need in order to be able to help. If you want to make an application, please complete the form below. If you need any help, please do call the team on 01923 204200.
We know it’s a difficult time and we’d love to pray for you/the beneficiary and support you in any way we can. Once we receive your application we will be in touch within a few weeks and let you know if we can help.
Please chat to the team on a Sunday if you have any questions.
All applications will be treated as confidential and only be seen by the Hope Fund team which is a small number of the church pastors. Details will only be shared with other pastors where relevant for follow up pastoral care.