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Eyes on Jesus

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It’s fair to say we’re all facing some challenges at the moment so we wanted to find a way to focus on Jesus afresh as a family. From Sunday 18th October we will be starting a new teaching series called Eyes on Jesus, with a seven-week Bible reading plan, and questions for Connect Groups that are on the same theme.

We’re excited about doing this together and hope many in the church family will be able to get involved.

 Bible reading

We’ve broken John’s Gospel down into small sections that we can all read together over seven weeks. If you miss a day or start late, don’t worry! Just join in on the current day’s reading. We’d love to do this as family so you might want to commit to reading it with your Connect Group or with a friend. You could message one another each day to discuss how God is speaking to you through his word and to encourage each other to keep going.

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Connect Groups

Any Connect Group that wants to will be able to access a quick video re-cap of that Sunday’s talk and small group questions to help you explore the topic further. If you’re not part of a Connect Group and would like to be, pop over here to find out more. (Unfortunately Connect Groups are only open to those who are part of our family in and around Watford, or who live in our community.)

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Daily thoughts by text

The team will be sending out some short thoughts around each daily reading via text. This is open to anyone in our church family. Info on how to sign up can be found in the Weekly Update but if you’re on ChurchSuite and don’t receive that, please do get in touch with us in the office and we’ll give you the details.

If you are experiencing issues with signing up please contact the church office on 01923204200 or email


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 Sunday teaching series

At each service (including the livestream), Mike or Andy will give a talk from John’s Gospel, especially looking at Jesus’ ‘I am’ sayings such as ‘I am the light of the world’ and ‘I am the bread of life’. Watch our Livestream services on John’s Gospel below.
