Soul Survivor Watford

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Saturday 9th May

For you shall go out with joy,and be led forth with peace:

the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,

and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Lord Jesus,

We want to join in with all creation today and, with hearts full of joy,

worship and thank you for all you have made.

We love the work of your hands.

Thank you that the birds are singing louder and all creation is bursting with life.

Thank you for new life.

We pray for all the babies born in our congregation this last year;

Lord pour out your blessing and provision on them and their family.

Fill each household with your peace beyond understanding

and may they sleep well in these challenging times.

Thank you for the new believers in our congregation;

May they daily, ‘know you more nearly and love you more dearly’.

Give wisdom to those living with unbelievers:

when to speak up and when to be still.

Show them how to have fellowship with other Christians

and fill them today, dear Holy Spirit.

In Jesus precious name,
