Soul Survivor Watford

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Thursday 14th May

[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for the power of your love for us;

please expand our hearts to love others with your passion,

your selflessness and your endurance.

We pray, with love, for all the’shielded’ ones,

especially as restrictions ease for others.

Please give them renewed patience and creativity,

an expansive mind to learn new things and rediscover old hobbies.

We pray for others in the household - give them a new resolve

to protect, value and love their shielded family member.

For those who live alone, may you be their shield.

and may your presence be their constant companion.

Bind us together with your love Dear Lord,
