Soul Survivor Watford

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2nd April

Awesome Lord,

Thank you for this beautiful world where everything is bursting into life. Give us new eyes to see the tiniest details of perfection as we take our exercise each day. Help us to see the blessings of this lock down even if it may seem like a flickering candle flame in a dark room. You make all things new and turn darkness into light. Please be close to those who are depressed, lonely and grieving a normal life. You are our hope Lord, deliver us from despair and fill us with hope for a new future.

We pray for:

  • The police, PCSO’s and retired officers returning to duty – fresh energy, health and patience with the public.

  • Teachers and auxiliary staff in schools and nurseries looking after the children of keyworkers – safety, intuitive wisdom with each child and the ability to make the children feel secure in strange times.

 Thank you Lord,